Friday, December 17, 2010


Hello there!
I know, I know, this is probably the fifth time I've re-started a blog. But patience is a virtue (one I seldom have), and lets face it, it takes time to find the best balance between professional and personal when it comes to web sites and blogs.
I am sort of a perfectionist and I just wasn't super happy with my current blog trials...

* The first blog I had was just an illustration blog where I pretty much just posted finished designs. This was nice, but pretty boring to anyone wanting actual explanations about an art piece.

* Second, I tried to make a blog a web site. I was frustrated making my own site and a blog/web site with links seemed like a solution. I was limited to layout though, so that annoyed me.

* Finally, I got a brand new web site up and running complete with blog intact. While I loved the site (still do) I didn't like how formal I felt when I wrote on my blog. There was my logo HARPOONDESIGN constantly looming over every entry. Also, I couldn't see my followers and I didn't think the comment section was as user friendly as gmail.

*Thus the almighty solution!!! My sketch book blog linking to a professional web site!!

Hurray! We have an answer! Now if only I knew the answers to all the other questions I have with life. Someday. :)

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