Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Des Moines Art Center

Chad and I live just a few blocks away from the Des Moines Art Center. Every time I go there, I wish I was more involved in the programs they have. I just haven't found a way to get my niche in the art scene there yet. This year, however, things are going to change. Check back in a week when I list my new year's resolutions and you'll see what I mean.

For now though, go check out the Bad Dreams Exhibit they have going on until January 9th. It's definitely worth a look. They have tons of scary mind twisting paintings and photos. Here is one example: (I apologize for the poor picture quality)

Is it a horse's eye?? -- that's what Chad thought it was. Then I pointed out to him that really it's a mouth full of hair. Creepy huh? Yeah, I thought so. So yes, go check out this exhibit before it's gone! It's free. :)

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