Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is it really almost 2011?

When I logged into Facebook this morning, I couldn't help but notice all of the "So what is everyone doing for New Years?" posts.
You know, i almost always forget about New Year's Eve each year. What with all the Christmas craziness, New Year's Eve is always an after thought in my book.

I do love the holiday though. There is always something refreshing about starting another year.
Wow, 2011 already. 10 years ago I was spending New Year's eve most likely with a bunch of high school friends, watching movies and drinking insane amounts of sparkling wine and soda. I don't remember a lot of alcohol at my 17-year old new year's parties. ( I don't really remember though, so who knows) I think I reserved most of the alcohol party mayhem for the college years.... (and now).

This year I think Chad and I are going to a house party for awhile. Should be fun times!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Des Moines Art Center

Chad and I live just a few blocks away from the Des Moines Art Center. Every time I go there, I wish I was more involved in the programs they have. I just haven't found a way to get my niche in the art scene there yet. This year, however, things are going to change. Check back in a week when I list my new year's resolutions and you'll see what I mean.

For now though, go check out the Bad Dreams Exhibit they have going on until January 9th. It's definitely worth a look. They have tons of scary mind twisting paintings and photos. Here is one example: (I apologize for the poor picture quality)

Is it a horse's eye?? -- that's what Chad thought it was. Then I pointed out to him that really it's a mouth full of hair. Creepy huh? Yeah, I thought so. So yes, go check out this exhibit before it's gone! It's free. :)

Almost there.

Is it Christmas yet? I have been asking that question for weeks now. I haven't been this excited about Christmas since I was a kid. Really, my excitement is having time off work. I realized the other day that I haven't had a day off (other than labor day and one sick day --where I really was sick) since this time last year!! That's a full year of just going to work, day by day without any vacation whatsoever. In short, I am in need of a few days away from this office desk.

Luckily my office does this wonderful thing where we shut down shop for the entire week between Christmas and New Years. It's all paid and that time off doesn't count against our vacation time. It's a pretty sweet deal.

The past few years, I've traveled a lot during this time. 2 years ago, it was New Years in Paris. Last year Chad and I went on a ski trip to Colorado. Money isn't letting me go anywhere this year though. I'm going to have to save some this Christmas season. Hopefully 2011 proves a little better in the financial area. Here I am enjoying winter 2008 in France. It was really cold and more snowy than normal that year. From clockwise down:
1.) Notre Dam was beautiful
2.) Me on top of the Arc de Triumph
3.) Montmartre
4.) My friend Emily joined me for 12 hours during her layover flight from Germany. We did a Paris monument running spree taking photos at all of the best places in early early morning.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

White Christmas

Looks like we're going to have a white Christmas this year here in Iowa. Just as long as we don't have a repeat of last year's winter, I don't mind. Having a little snow on the ground makes everything much prettier. It's when that little bit of snow turns into a lot more, things start getting a bit hectic. I feel bad for all of the passengers stuck in England due to weather. Global climate change is definitely in affect.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010


Hello there!
I know, I know, this is probably the fifth time I've re-started a blog. But patience is a virtue (one I seldom have), and lets face it, it takes time to find the best balance between professional and personal when it comes to web sites and blogs.
I am sort of a perfectionist and I just wasn't super happy with my current blog trials...

* The first blog I had was just an illustration blog where I pretty much just posted finished designs. This was nice, but pretty boring to anyone wanting actual explanations about an art piece.

* Second, I tried to make a blog a web site. I was frustrated making my own site and a blog/web site with links seemed like a solution. I was limited to layout though, so that annoyed me.

* Finally, I got a brand new web site up and running complete with blog intact. While I loved the site (still do) I didn't like how formal I felt when I wrote on my blog. There was my logo HARPOONDESIGN constantly looming over every entry. Also, I couldn't see my followers and I didn't think the comment section was as user friendly as gmail.

*Thus the almighty solution!!! My sketch book blog linking to a professional web site!!

Hurray! We have an answer! Now if only I knew the answers to all the other questions I have with life. Someday. :)