When I logged into Facebook this morning, I couldn't help but notice all of the "So what is everyone doing for New Years?" posts.
You know, i almost always forget about New Year's Eve each year. What with all the Christmas craziness, New Year's Eve is always an after thought in my book.
I do love the holiday though. There is always something refreshing about starting another year.
Wow, 2011 already. 10 years ago I was spending New Year's eve most likely with a bunch of high school friends, watching movies and drinking insane amounts of sparkling wine and soda. I don't remember a lot of alcohol at my 17-year old new year's parties. ( I don't really remember though, so who knows) I think I reserved most of the alcohol party mayhem for the college years.... (and now).
This year I think Chad and I are going to a house party for awhile. Should be fun times!